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History of the Book of Second Thessalonians
In this epistle, the Apostle Paul gives an understanding of the Day of the Lord. Paul corrects false conclusions about that coming Day. He explains what must precede this awesome event and exhorts his readers to remain diligent. He wrote the second part of the epistle to the Thessalonians (Second Thessalonians) from Corinth in A.D. 51. Since the epistle of first Thessalonians, the seeds of false doctrine had been sown among them, causing them to waver in their faith. He commends the believers in this church and lets them know that their present suffering will be repaid with future glory. He exhorts them to endure until the end. After the introduction of this letter, Paul warns them of the false doctrine that is trying to be formed about the coming Day of the Lord. He recounts the events that must first take place. He then encourages them to labor for the Gospel and not to give-up ,exhorting them in right fellowship.

Our Father Who art in Heaven,
May Your Words of Your Bible that we have placed on this Online Bible site, minister to all that come to read it. May their eyes and ears be opened to what it is that You desire for them to know. As they read Second Thessalonians, please minister to them in a way only You know how to. May the Words come alive in their hearts as they yield themselves to what it is You have for them. Thank You Heavenly Father for sending Your One and Only Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins. Thank You for making a way for us to gain salvation. May all that hear, believe so they too may have eternal life. Praise Your Holy Name, Lord!

In Jesus Christ Name, we pray



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